It’s kind of a weird consistency, very thick when you squeeze it out of the tube, and chalky when it’s mixed, but who cares as long as it works, right? I’ll just have to go back tomorrow and get an all over dye to even it all out again, but I’m still glad I tried it, and will use it again, because rarely does something completely get rid of my brassiness. Other than that, it smells great, especially for a bleach (kind of like berries). And if you’re just doing your roots, make sure not to get any on the already blonde parts. So if you have naturally dark hair, this will definitely work. It turned my brown roots white, and the already blonde parts that I got some on a light blue. Well, I used the matching 35 developer of the same brand along with it, and it DEFINITELY did its job.

I figured that this would take care of the red/pumpkin orange tones that come about, but that I’d still need to get out my clairol high lift ultra cool blonde blue-violet to tone it some more. I asked my co-worker whether I should use the ash or violet one, and she suggested ash. I have a lot of trouble with my naturally red tinted hair turning orange or yellow, and having to bleach and dye the crap out of it to make it look somewhat decent (usually can’t get rid of the brassiness completely).

I work at Sally’s, and needed to do my roots, so I decided to try this. It definitely worked…almost a little too well.