IMVU: online game & friends is an Android app developed by IMVU, Inc. There are many more interesting online games that you can explore here. Open your image in a web previewer, save, and upload to anywhere.IMVU: online game & friends is a social game developed by IMVU, Inc and now.gg allows playing game online in your browser. When i do shadow drop i like to do it a few times because it makes the shadow more bold. Just click on the color that is currently selected and another window will open with the color pallet. Your color can be anything you want it to be. These are the settings i like but you are more than welcome to change them any time you want.

Opacity should be set to 100, and Blur set to 18.00. Set your Vertical and Horizontal both to 0. When you have done this click the shadow drop option. Hover over Tool Bars, and in the side menu click effects. If you do not see an option for shadow drop, you need to right click anywhere at the top. Okay, so everything is on one layer and your background is still transparent. This will open your your my documents folder. Click on the folder that has an arrow above it. Your photo is saved now right? Okay, good. You will not be able to upload to myspace, photobucket, or anywhere else you would upload photos to. Why do i have to open my photo into an internet browser previewer? When you save your photo through paint shop, because paint shop has its own file formats for saved images. When the window has opened and loaded, save the image. If there is a white background then you need to go back and check what you did. If there is now white around you photo, you have done everything correctly. A window should show up, allowing you to view your picture. In the next tab select Alpha channel transparency and Existing image or layer transparency. Under the colors tap select the option 16.7 million colors (24 bit). When you are done click preview, this should go to another window. Under image format click png and un-highlight jpg. If something else is highlighted in gray under the browser click on it. If you want you can browse for the option or you can enter it manually. If you do not see this go to edit web browsers, click on add, and type it in. Now there should be a window that says "Web browser, image formats, blah. Scroll down the drop menu and click the "Preview in Internet Browser" option. To open your image in the internet browser you need to go to the top and click view. This will put both the image and the text on the same layer.

Its time for shadowing but, first you need to open the picture in your internet browser and save the photo. YAY TEXT! Now you have your text, your image is looking good, and your happy. Once your text is placed right click and select the option that says Select None. This will allow you to re-size your photo. On all sides and corners of your text there will be small boxes. There will be a circle thing in the middle. When you are peachy with your text click the apply button. You have to retype it if you clicked the apply option. But if you delete it and type something else and find you don't like it and want to go back. This will remember your text so you don't have to type it again. It is always smart to check the box that says remember text. In that box, type the text that you want to add. Selcet Vector in the drop down menu under create. Once you are happy with your color selection and font youĬan now add personal text. Transparent by clicking on the circle with the line going through The second one can be any color you wish, or you can make it More than likely the top one should be black for your outline color. On the color pallet to the right there are 2 boxes. Okay, now it is time to add some text.Changing the hue(color) Image cropping is when you take away excess parts of a photo that are not needed. Your computer will take a picture of the current view of your computer screen. When you hit the right keys for screen shot.

What is a screen shot? A screen shot is basically like taking a picture. Here are some questions that most would like to know if your not as savvy with the image editing as most. Png is a transparent file for mat that has no background. Gif is a file format for animated images. Why not jpeg or gif? Jpeg is a file format that uses a background. In this tutorial you will learn the basics of creating a simple png file formatted image using text and shadow drop.
Like most people, they don't know how to create there own imvu avatar works of art for them self's.